Wednesday, February 19, 2014

New Dismissal Procedure

Attention Parents
In an effort to keep all of my first grade friends safe we will be doing the following at the end of the day:

* Return to the classroom at the end of the day
* Pack up (just like we always have)
*Line up INSIDE of the classroom
* Travel to the Gym TOGETHER as a class in a line
* Sit TOGETHER in the Gym as a class until pick up

I will be helping the children pack up, line up, go up, and sit together. 

As a result, I will not be available for conversation or conferencing directly at the end of the school day. :(  I would happy to chat with any parent at 3:30 after my dismissal duties are done for the day on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  I tutor students Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
I am always available via email :).  I also have planning times during the day where I can meet with you and would be happy to do so.

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